Team: Leveraging Local Knowledge

Leveraging Local Knowledge: Building a Community Resource Network

Don't forget that you have an untapped reservoir of strength and resilience: your local community. In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of building a strong community resource network cannot be overstated, especially for those dedicated to preparedness and self-reliance. The wisdom embedded within local knowledge and the power of collective effort form the cornerstone of this endeavor.

Never underestimate the value of a good neighbor and friend during times of emergency.

Why focus on local support and knowledge? Because when the chips are down, it’s the immediate community that bands together to face challenges head-on. Here are practical steps and benefits of building a community resource network. These steps emphasize the selection and development of a cohesive team to leverage local expertise while also enhance collective preparedness and resilience.

Identifying Local Experts

  • Survey your community to identify individuals with specialized skills and knowledge.
  • Engage with local professionals, craftsmen, and hobbyists who possess unique expertise.
  • Hunters, fishers, and agriculture experts are critical to include in your team.
  • Don't forget technical experts, medical staff, mechanics, and child care workers.
  • Consider your community and look to include senior care workers, clergy, and other specialists.
  • Avoid focusing only on medical doctors:  include veterinarians, dentists, nurses, and other specialists.
  • Bankers, business owners, and salespeople can become key when it comes to barter and trade of goods in emergency times.
  • Organize community meet-ups to foster relationships and share skills.

Building a community resource network starts with recognizing the wealth of knowledge and skills that exist within your own backyard. From the retired nurse living next door to the amateur radio enthusiast down the street, every individual brings something valuable to the table. By identifying and engaging with these local experts, you create a foundation upon which a resilient community can be built.

Creating a Shared Resource Platform

  1. Develop a shared directory of community skills, resources, and contact information.
  2. Utilize social media and community bulletin boards to facilitate information sharing.
  3. Encourage regular workshops and training sessions led by local experts.

A community resource network thrives on open communication and accessibility of information. Creating a platform where skills, resources, and needs can be easily shared empowers every community member to contribute and benefit from the collective knowledge. Whether through a digital directory or regular community gatherings, the goal is to ensure that everyone knows where to turn for help and advice.

Fostering Teamwork and Collaboration

Team selection and development are pivotal in transforming individual skills into collective strength. Encourage collaboration by forming teams based on common goals, such as emergency response, food sustainability, or skills training. Promote a culture of mutual support, where every member feels valued and empowered to contribute. Success in building a community resource network relies on nurturing these relationships and fostering an environment of trust and cooperation.

Real-life examples abound of communities that have come together to achieve remarkable feats of resilience and preparedness. From community gardens that ensure food security to volunteer-led disaster response teams, the power of a united community is undeniable.


The journey to building a community resource network in the Great Plains or any region is a testament to the power of local knowledge and collaboration. By leveraging the skills and expertise of those around us, we not only enhance our collective preparedness but also strengthen the social fabric that binds us together. This guide serves as a call to action for all who believe in the resilience of community and the importance of preparedness. Let us take these steps together, forging a network of resources that stands ready to face the future, whatever it may hold.
