Mobility: Motorcycles

Prepping Your Motorcycle for Quick and Efficient Evacuation

I have to confess that I don't know much about motorcycle preparation.  It's a topic that needs to be considered, so I compelted some reearch.  Here are some foundational tips and strategies that I discovered on preparing motorcycles for emergency situations:

  • Maintenance and Inspection:   Ensure your motorcycle is always in top condition by performing regular maintenance checks. This includes checking tire pressure, oil levels, and ensuring all lights and signals are functional.
  • Emergency Kit:   Equip your motorcycle with a basic emergency kit that includes items such as water, non-perishable food, a basic tool kit, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and spare batteries. It's also advisable to have a map and a compass in case GPS services are unavailable.
  • Fuel Management:   Always keep your fuel tank at least half full. During emergencies, gas stations may be unavailable or out of service. Having enough fuel can be the difference between getting to a safe location or being stranded.
  • Load and Packing:   Properly secure all items on your motorcycle to prevent loss during movement. Use saddlebags and tank bags that are specifically designed for motorcycling. Heavy items should be placed low to keep the center of gravity close to the ground for better handling.
  • Protective Gear:   Always wear appropriate riding gear. In addition to a helmet, wear gloves, boots, and protective clothing. This is crucial not just for everyday protection but especially so in emergencies when you need to move quickly through potentially hazardous environments.
  • Communication Preparedness:   Have a way to communicate if you get separated from your group or need assistance. A charged cellphone with emergency numbers is essential, and consider a portable charger or a small solar charger as a backup.
  • Legal Review:  Lnow the motorcylce laws in your state and surrounding states.  Laws can vary from one state to another including legal age of passengers, trailer usage, and sidecar usage.

These tips should provide a solid foundation for your preparation, focusing on practical measures and preparedness specific to motorcycle use in evacuations. For more detailed guidance, refer to specialized resources or manuals specific to motorcycle maintenance and emergency preparedness.

Share your ideas and comments below with tips and tricks you have found or questions that you have.
