Equipment: Essential Tools for Repair and Maintenance

The Ultimate Prepper's Tool Kit: Essential Tools for Repair and Maintenance

Being prepared means having the right tools at the right time. For anyone committed to ensuring their own safety and the functionality of their environment, a well-equipped tool kit is not just a convenience—it's a necessity. This guide explores the essential tools every prepper should have for repair and maintenance tasks, especially in emergency situations.

In this review, I'm going to look at larger or often-overlooked tools.  This isn't your "EDC Altoids Kit" tool set (those are fun and can be handy) but a rough-and-ready, rugged set of tools to always have on hand in case of real emergencies.

Before digging in to the individual tools covered, here's a few other points worth remembering:

  • How many tools do you really need?  All of them!  This list is a starting point, not a finishing line.
  • Redundancies can save you life.  Two is one, one is none.
  • If you don't know how to safely use a tool then it isn't a tool.
  • Be sure to have "supplemental gear" for your primary tools: the chain saw, hatchet, and ax all require sharpening tools; flashlights require a working power source; a gas powered generateor requiers... gas.

My guideline for all this information is the video Emergency Tools for SHTF from SensiblePrepper.  This is an exceptional resource. I recommend you watch the full video and subscribe to the YouTube channel.   It's a few years old, but it's still very good and loaded with common sense.  Below the video is my commentary on each of the main items.

Now for my commentary on the tools:

Chain Saw

The chain saw is indispensable for cutting down trees or managing large debris after a storm. It's crucial for clearing pathways or accessing blocked areas in emergencies. Nothing cuts up large chunks of wood  quickly like a chain saw.

Safety tip: Always wear appropriate safety gear like goggles, gloves, and ear protection when operating a chain saw, and ensure you're trained in its use to avoid accidents.

I agree that it can be tempting to not put on safety goggles if you don't have them.  Here's a true story:  when I was in high school, one of my coaches was out cutting wood for his fireplace.  He always wore safety goggles.  But one time, he had one more piece of wood to cut and everything was put away, so he grabbed the chainsaw and started it up without his goggles.  He cut the one piece of wood and a splinter flew into his eye.  He did recover, but not until after eye surgery.  SO WEAR THE SAFETY GOGGLES!

Safety Goggles

Safety goggles are critical to protect your eyes from flying debris, especially when using power tools. They're a must-have in any tool kit to ensure that your vision is shielded from potential hazards during intensive labor or unexpected accidents.



Having a sturdy pair of gloves can protect your hands from cuts, scrapes, and exposure to harmful substances. Gloves are essential for handling rough materials and operating tools where you might encounter sharp edges or corrosive materials.

Gloves should fit and fit the task.  Some gloves call for flexibility, some for stronger grip, some need to be waterproof, some need to be resilient against sharp tools and thorns.  And some just need to be warm.  Have several styles on hand and make sure they fit.

Dust Mask

A dust mask is vital for filtering out particulate matter when working in dusty environments or during demolition. Protecting your respiratory system is crucial, particularly in scenarios involving mold, sawdust, fiberglass insulation, or chemical residues.


The flashlight is your primary tool for visibility during power outages or when working in dark conditions. Ensure that your flashlight is durable, waterproof, and equipped with long-lasting batteries or a hand-crank charging option.

Headlamps are also a nice option for hands-free use, and the modern portable workbench lights are good to have too.

Duct Tape (and Lubricant)

Duct tape is the universal tool for quick fixes. Its strong adhesive and durable surface make it ideal for temporary repairs on everything from water pipes to torn fabrics.

I'm adding lubricant in here as a paired item to duct tape.  Lubricants such as WD-40 (Amazon or Wal-Mart), oil, and even petroleum jelly are always good to have on hand.  Candle wax, shortening, cooking oil, and beeswax also make good lubricants.

The redneck's rule:  "If it's moving, it shouldn't:  use duct tape.  If it doesn't move, it should:  use WD-40."

Utility Shutoff Tool

A utility shutoff tool is essential for quickly turning off gas and water mains in your home during an emergency, helping to prevent further damage or hazards.  Test it first and make sure it works on your utility systems!

Pry Bar/Crow Bar

The pry bar or crow bar is invaluable for opening jammed doors, removing nails, or prying apart boards. It's especially useful in rescue operations or salvage tasks after a disaster.


A hammer serves not only for driving nails but also for small demolition tasks, such as breaking drywall during emergency repairs or renovations.

My dad collected hammers.  When we started wrapping up his tool collection, I tried to count them but lost count in the 60's.  Hammers come in many styles, but a general claw hammer would be your first choice. 

Bolt Cutters

Bolt cutters are crucial for cutting through chains, padlocks, or wire fences, providing access to restricted areas or helping to free trapped individuals or animals.

Sledge Hammer/Go Devil

A sledge hammer or Go Devil is designed for heavy-duty impact jobs such as breaking through walls or other barriers when you need to create or expand an exit or access point during emergencies.


An ax is necessary for splitting wood for fires or clearing fallen trees and branches. It’s a traditional tool whose utility extends beyond woodcutting to general demolition in a pinch.


The hatchet serves as a smaller, more manageable counterpart to the ax, perfect for quick jobs requiring less force and more precision.


A shovel is essential for digging, whether you are creating a trench for drainage, burying waste, or excavating a stuck vehicle.

Lineman's Pliers

Lineman's pliers are designed for electrical work, allowing you to cut, manipulate, and install wire safely. They're a must-have for any electrical repairs or installations in your home or shelter.

Gas Powered Generator

A gas powered generator can be a lifeline in prolonged power outages, providing electricity to run essential appliances, lights, and heating systems. Remember to operate it in well-ventilated areas to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.


Equipping yourself with a comprehensive set of tools for repair and maintenance is a cornerstone of effective preparedness. Each tool in your kit offers functionality and versatility, ensuring you can handle a wide range of tasks and emergencies with confidence. By understanding and stocking these essential tools, you empower yourself to respond effectively to almost any situation, safeguarding your property and, more importantly, your life and those of your loved ones.
