Concealing Your Shelter

The Art of Camouflage: Concealing Your Shelter in Plain Sight

There's two basic strategies here when it comes to interacting with those outside your party during emergencies:

  1. Stay hidden, or
  2. Get found.

Pick one.

The value of visibility can sometimes shift from a boon to a liability. In emergencies, especially those that might disrupt societal norms, being invisible can be just as important as being prepared. While most emergencies we prepare for are resolved with community support and cooperation, history reminds us that in rare but conceivable situations, the ability to conceal one's shelter can be a critical survival strategy. This necessity births the art of camouflage - a skill that ensures your safety by making your shelter invisible to unwelcome eyes.

Concealing Your Shelter in the Great Plains
Image generated by DALL-E

Camouflaging your shelter isn't about fear; it's about prudence. In the unlikely event of a societal breakdown, where resources become scarce and desperation sets in, the ability to remain unseen can make the difference between security and vulnerability. Here, we explore the principles of effectively concealing your shelter in plain sight, ensuring that you and your loved ones remain safe even when not everyone around you has the best intentions.

Understanding the Basics of Camouflage

  • Natural integration: Utilize the surrounding environment to dictate the camouflage pattern.
  • Minimizing silhouette: Alter the shape and outline of structures to blend with natural forms.
  • Light and shadow: Use natural light and shadow patterns to mask the appearance of your shelter.

Camouflaging your shelter starts with a keen observation of your surroundings. The goal is to integrate your shelter with the environment so seamlessly that it becomes indistinguishable from the natural landscape. This involves selecting materials that match the local flora, using natural shapes that break up the shelter's outline, and considering how the sun casts shadows during different times of the day. A shelter that mirrors its environment not only becomes harder to spot but also respects the natural beauty of the Great Plains.

Materials and Techniques for Effective Camouflage

  1. Choose materials native to the area, such as local plants, earth, and stones.
  2. Employ man-made materials only when they can be completely covered or disguised.
  3. Regularly update your camouflage to reflect changes in the environment, such as seasonal shifts.

Effective camouflage relies on the appropriate selection of materials and their application. The use of native materials is not just about blending in; it's about ensuring that your shelter remains hidden through seasonal changes, whether it's the lush green of summer or the stark bareness of winter. This might mean adjusting your camouflage techniques throughout the year to maintain concealment. Additionally, the strategic use of man-made materials can offer durability and structure when properly concealed within the natural camouflage.

Strategic Considerations for Camouflaging Your Shelter

The strategic placement of your shelter plays a significant role in its concealment. Consider the vantage points from which your shelter could be seen and aim to minimize visibility from those angles. This might mean placing your shelter against a backdrop that naturally conceals it or using the terrain to your advantage, such as building into a hillside. The key is to think like someone who might be looking for your shelter and then take steps to counteract those efforts.

Furthermore, consider the pathways leading to and from your shelter. These should be as unobtrusive as possible, avoiding straight lines and clear trails that could lead unwanted guests to your doorstep. Instead, use natural landforms and vegetation to disguise paths, or create multiple misleading trails as diversions.

Special note: Camouflage in populated areas
This doesn't work

We haven't even touched on the topic of hiding in areas like cities, small towns, or other high traffic locations. Look in the future for an article on this topic. You'll need different tools, planning, and strategy--but you can also take advantage of other locations like abandond buildings and more.


The art of camouflage is a testament to the adage "preparation is the key to success." In the realm of emergency preparedness, concealing your shelter can be as crucial as the supplies it contains. This guide serves as a starting point for those who recognize the importance of remaining unseen in certain emergencies. Remember, the goal is not to live in fear but to be prepared for any eventuality with wisdom and foresight. By mastering the art of camouflage, you ensure that your shelter remains your sanctuary, invisible to those who might wish you harm, as you wait for normalcy to return.


Here's a short list of some quality videos that cover camouflage tips and tricks:
