Prepper Church: March 17, 2024

Accomplishing More Together

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Take time to gather informally and preview the service outline.  If you'd like to participate in communion, please be prepared to do so.  


I.  Opening

Welcome and Introduction:  Good morning, everyone! We’re thrilled to have you join us today as we gather to worship and study God’s word together. Whether you’re here in person, joining us online, or hosting the service yourself at a remote location--you’re part of our church family!  We’re blessed by your presence. Today, we’ll explore the vital role of unity and the power of surrendering to the Holy Spirit in our lives and our collective mission as the Church. We hope you find encouragement and a deeper connection with God and each other through our service today. Welcome, and let's embrace what God has in store for us together.

Opening Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, we gather in Your name, thankful for the love and grace You shower upon us. Open our hearts and minds as we come together today, ready to receive Your word and wisdom. Help us to feel the presence of Your Holy Spirit, guiding us towards unity and strength in our mission as Your Church. Bless our time together, that it may glorify You and edify us all. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 12:12-14 -- For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many.

II.  Worship and Praise

Let's enter into a time of worship.  Today, as we explore the theme of Accomplishing More Together, we'll enjoy a special performance of The Lion Sleeps Tonight by the Young People's Chorus of NYC. This song, with its harmonious melody and spirited expression, serves as a beautiful illustration of what we can achieve when we unite our voices and efforts. Feel free to join in, let the music uplift you, and consider the joy and power of working together in harmony.

Video Link:  The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh) - Young People's Chorus of NYC at The GREEN at Lincoln Center (

Reflection: here’s some points of reflection while listening to (and hopefully joining in) on this performance:

  • Unity in Diversity: Reflect on how the diverse voices come together to create a single, powerful melody, mirroring how our varied gifts and talents can unite for a greater purpose in the Church.
  • Joy in Collaboration: Notice the joy and energy in the performance. Think about how working together, not just in singing but in all church activities, can bring a similar joy and vibrancy to our community.
  • Strength in Numbers: As you listen (and perhaps sing along), consider the strength and impact of collective action versus individual effort. How can this principle be applied more effectively within our church community?

III. Communion

Communion is a sacred time to remember Jesus' sacrifice, offering us forgiveness and eternal life through faith. This act is for those who have welcomed Jesus as their Savior and leader. If you're still on your journey of faith, please feel free to observe and reflect during this time. Know that you're valued and respected, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey.

For those who have chosen to follow Jesus, let's share in communion together. We'll start with the bread, symbolizing Jesus' body given for us, and then share the cup, representing His blood shed for a new covenant of grace and forgiveness.

  • "Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, 'Take, eat; this is My body.'" (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22) -- Please partake of the bread.
  • “He took a cup, gave thanks, and said, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'" (Matthew 26:27-28; Mark 14:23-24) -- Please partake of the cup,

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we humbly thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who established this new covenant of love and forgiveness with His sacrifice. May this communion deepen our connection to You and to each other as Your family. Guide us to live out the grace we've received in our words and actions every day. Amen.

IV:  Message:  Accomplishing More Together

Today, we gather to focus on a crucial message: the importance of coming together as the body of Christ to fulfill the Church's mission. We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed when trying to meet these goals alone. Our individual efforts, while sincere, often fall short. This isn't because we lack faith or commitment, but because God designed us to work in unity, not isolation.

However, working together isn't without its challenges. Misunderstandings and conflicts are common, and they can prevent us from being as effective as we could be. These issues can weaken our unity and lessen our impact on the world.

This morning, I want to talk about a powerful solution: surrendering our struggles to the Holy Spirit. This approach is grounded in Scripture and has strengthened believers for centuries. By letting the Holy Spirit guide us, we can move beyond individual limitations and group conflicts.

We'll explore how the Holy Spirit's guidance can help us work together more effectively, achieving much more than we could on our own. Let's open our hearts to the possibilities that come with true unity under the Holy Spirit's direction. Trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us into deeper cooperation and enable us to accomplish our mission.

1. The Limitations of Individual Effort

In our faith and service, we sometimes think we can do it all on our own. We believe that if we're strong, faithful, or skilled enough, we can meet God's goals for the Church by ourselves. But this idea goes against what the Bible teaches us about being the body of Christ.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 that the Church is like a body with many parts, each with its own role. Just like in a body, every member of the Church has unique gifts from the Holy Spirit. This isn't just a nice image; it's how we're meant to function. 

Relying only on ourselves shows its limits when we think about how a body works. No part is more important than another, and no part can work by itself. Paul makes it clear that we need each other. The mission God has given us—worshiping Him, helping each other grow in faith, serving our communities, and spreading the Gospel—is too big for any one person.

When we try to go it alone, our efforts are like playing a single note. It might sound fine, but it lacks the richness of a full piece of music. It's when we all play our parts together, led by the Holy Spirit, that we create something beautiful and complete.

This need to work together isn't a weakness; it's a call to unity. It's a reminder that we're meant to combine our gifts, like a tapestry that shows how great God's love is. This challenges us to look beyond just our own tasks. We're all parts of something bigger, and it's only by working together that we can really achieve what God has planned for us.

Let's remember that we depend on each other. Working together isn't just nice to have; it's essential. Let's put aside the idea of doing things alone and fully embrace our role in God's collective mission. Only together can we truly accomplish more.

2. The Challenges of Partial Collaboration

Working as Christ's body, we face hurdles in partial collaboration. This means trying to work together but being held back by misunderstandings, conflicts, or reluctance to commit fully. These issues are common due to our different backgrounds and views. If not addressed, they can prevent us from achieving our mission as the Church.

Paul talks about this problem in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. He noticed divisions in the Corinthian church, where people aligned with different leaders, causing conflict. This wasn't just a minor issue; it was a major barrier to their effectiveness and witness as a church.

We face similar challenges today. Whether it's a ministry team struggling with personal conflicts or a church initiative failing due to different visions, partial unity can weaken our impact and witness.

Recognizing these challenges is the first step to overcoming them. We need humility, willingness to listen, and commitment to unity. This might mean having tough conversations and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit.

The situation in Corinth shows us that even amid struggle, there's hope. Paul's words were not just a critique but a call to return to their core mission. Facing our own challenges of partial collaboration, we too are called to commit to our shared mission.

Let's move forward, understanding that our mission is too crucial to let partial collaboration hold us back. With the Holy Spirit's guidance, we can address these challenges and fulfill our purpose as the Church.

3. The Power of Surrendering to the Holy Spirit

In our shared mission of faith, there's a crucial turning point where we must give up our disagreements and struggles to the Holy Spirit. This isn't giving up; it's trusting God to guide, heal, and bring us together. The Bible tells us this kind of surrender leads to real unity and purpose, driven by the Spirit's qualities of humility, patience, and love (Ephesians 4:2-3; Galatians 5:22-25).

The Holy Spirit's role in guiding and empowering the Church is clear from the start. In Acts, we see the Spirit bring incredible unity and growth. The same Spirit that moved at Pentecost, pushing the disciples to preach boldly and guiding the early Church, is active today.

Churches worldwide experience the Spirit's transformative power when they surrender to Him. This leads to overcoming divisions, community revitalization, and growth. These stories aren't just history; they show the Spirit still at work today, uniting and driving the Church forward.

Surrendering to the Holy Spirit means letting Him lead our personal lives and our Church life. It's about seeking His wisdom, comfort in conflict, and strength to face division. Yielding to the Spirit lets us live out His qualities—love, joy, peace, and more. These are the building blocks of true Church unity and purpose.

This surrender requires us all to pray, listen, and obey together. It's how we move past our limitations and embrace God's vision for the Church. Unity in the Spirit doesn't mean we're all the same. Instead, it's a diverse harmony that reflects God's wisdom.

In short, surrendering to the Holy Spirit is key to moving beyond partial collaboration and reaching our full potential as a Church. As we follow the Spirit, we're promised transformation, unity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we can achieve much more together, fulfilling our mission and glorifying God.


Today, we've looked at how individual efforts and even teamwork with reservations can't fully achieve what God intends for His Church. The real breakthrough comes when we completely give ourselves over to the Holy Spirit. This is more than a change in strategy; it's waking up to what God really wants for His Church. It's about each of us playing our part, with the Holy Spirit amplifying our efforts, and our work marked by love, service, and sharing the Gospel.

I urge everyone to start seeking the Holy Spirit's direction in everything you do, alone and together as Christ's body. Let's tackle the obstacles we face, through prayer, forgiving each other, and being open to where the Spirit leads us. Listen for His guidance, be ready to follow His nudges, and trust Him with your plans and your troubles.

As we move forward, remember the potential of a Church fully yielded to the Holy Spirit. Let's embrace our shared mission with united hearts and willing spirits. Together, let's achieve what God has called us to, for His glory and His Kingdom's growth.

V:  Offering

As we continue in our worship, we have the opportunity to participate in the act of giving. The Bible reminds us in 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV), "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Join me in prayer as we prepare our hearts for this act of giving. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the blessings You have bestowed upon us. As we bring our offerings before You today, we do so with hearts full of gratitude. May these gifts be used for the furthering of Your Kingdom and the spreading of Your love. Bless each giver abundantly, and may our cheerful giving be a reflection of Your generosity toward us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

As we collect the offering, we do want to remind everyone that this part of the service is an opportunity to give but is in no way considered a requirement.  We have the special opportunity here at Prepper Church to give all of the offering to a good cause that we choose.

Thank you for your generous hearts and faithful giving. Your contributions play a vital role in supporting the causes that we support. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to be cheerful givers. Amen.

VI:  Closing

Closing Prayer:  God, we thank You for the Holy Spirit. We admit we need His leading, wisdom, and strength. We give up our solo attempts, our halfway teamwork, and our misunderstandings to You. Fill us again with Your Spirit, so we can act as one.

Holy Spirit, guide us to real unity and help us fulfill the work God has given us. Remove what divides us, heal our hurts, and bind us with Christ's love. Give us the power to witness, to serve, and to spread the Gospel boldly.

We commit to doing more together, under Your lead. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

Closing Remarks: Remember: together, guided by the Holy Spirit, we achieve more than we can alone. This week, let's act together, serve, and love, making a real difference. Go in peace, making every effort count towards something bigger than ourselves.

Local Group Discussion and Fellowship

Here are some points of discussion to facilitate deeper reflection and conversation among attendees after the service:

  • Reflecting on Individual Efforts: Share a time when you tried to serve God or accomplish a task on your own. What were the outcomes, and how did you feel during the process? Did it lead to any realization about the need for collective effort?
  • Experiences of Partial Collaboration: Discuss experiences where teamwork or collaboration was attempted within your community or ministry, but didn't fully succeed due to reservations or conflicts. What do you think held the group back, and how were these challenges addressed, if at all?
  • Understanding Surrender to the Holy Spirit: What does surrendering to the Holy Spirit mean to you personally? Can you share a moment when you felt led by the Spirit to make a decision or take action that you wouldn’t have on your own?
  • The Role of the Holy Spirit in Unity: How do you see the Holy Spirit working to bring unity within the Church? Discuss any scriptures or theological insights that help illustrate this role.
  • Practical Steps Toward Unity: Based on today’s sermon, what are some practical steps individuals and the church community can take to foster a deeper unity? Consider actions like prayer groups, conflict resolution initiatives, or shared service projects.
  • Living Out the Fruits of the Spirit: Discuss how exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) can impact the dynamics of a church community. Share examples of these fruits in action.
  • Listening for the Holy Spirit’s Guidance: How can we become more attuned to the Holy Spirit's guidance in our daily lives and collective decision-making? Discuss any practices or disciplines that can help cultivate this sensitivity.
  • Commitment to Collective Mission: What is one commitment you can make to help advance the collective mission of the Church? Consider how this commitment could address some of the limitations of individual effort or partial collaboration discussed in the sermon.

These discussion points are designed to encourage thoughtful conversation and personal reflection, helping attendees to apply the sermon's teachings to their own lives and the life of the church community.
