Equipment: Corporal's Emergency Survival Kit

Review of Corporal's Corner Emergency Survival Kit

In the heart of the Great Plains, where the horizon stretches endlessly and the weather shifts as swiftly as the wind, being prepared isn't just a virtue—it's a necessity. Today, we explore a solution designed not just to endure but to empower: the Corporal's Corner Emergency Survival Kit. This isn't about bracing for the worst; it's about equipping you for empowerment in every outdoor venture.

I've been following Corporal Shawn Kelly on YouTube for several years now, and I suggest that you do too. I've found his insight to be refreshing, practical, and memorable. I don't miss a single episode of his. Consider supporting his business by visiting his website. (As always, I recieve no compensation for referrals).

Make no mistake--this is his kit and his design.  This is my review of his gear and kit, so take that for what it's worth.  But overall, I rate this high and hope you do, too!  I will be using this to make some good adjustments to my "day-pack" that I use while camping.

The Great Plains, with its vast expanse and unpredictable weather, calls for readiness against nature's whims. Whether you're hiking through the rolling hills, camping under the expansive sky, or facing the sudden storms, the Corporal's Corner Kit offers more than survival essentials; it offers a blueprint for resilience.

With a no-nonsense approach that cuts through the clutter of survival gear choices, we're here to explore how this kit stands out. It's about practicality, efficiency, and the art of survival condensed into a pack that promises reliability. Let’s embark on this journey with assertive clarity and uncover why the Corporal's Corner Kit is an indispensable ally for adventurers in the Great Plains.

Gearing Up with Essentials

The backbone of any survival kit is its gear, and the Corporal's Corner Emergency Survival Kit champions this with a curated selection of essentials. At the forefront is a sturdy yet lightweight backpack, designed to withstand the rigors of the Great Plains without burdening you. This isn't just a bag; it's your lifeline, ensuring that everything you need is within reach.

Central to survival is the ability to cut, carve, and create. The kit’s knife isn’t just a tool; it’s a multipurpose companion ready for any challenge. Coupled with fire starting tools that guarantee warmth and safety, these essentials form the core of your survival arsenal. Whether it's igniting a fire under the vast Midwestern sky or crafting shelter against a sudden storm, these tools are your first line of defense.

Water is life, especially in the expansive Great Plains where sources may be sparse. The kit addresses this with solutions for purification and storage, ensuring you can hydrate safely wherever your adventures lead. This focus on practicality underscores a vital survival truth: success lies in preparation and the quality of your gear.

  • Sturdy, lightweight backpack
  • Reliable knife and fire starting tools
  • Water purification and storage solutions

Navigating the Great Outdoors

Navigating the vastness of the Great Plains demands more than a good sense of direction; it requires precision and skill. The Corporal's Corner Kit emphasizes the importance of a reliable compass, guiding you through its practical use. It's not just about knowing where you are but about determining where you need to be and how to get there efficiently.

The unpredictable weather and varied terrain of the Plains can turn an ordinary hike into a test of survival. Understanding these elements is crucial, and the kit equips you to read the land and sky. This isn't mere survival; it's about thriving in the outdoors, armed with knowledge and confidence.

Developing land navigation skills is vital, and the Corporal's Corner Kit serves as both a tool and a teacher. It's designed not just for the seasoned adventurer but for anyone willing to learn and engage with the wilderness. Mastery of these skills ensures that you're not just moving—you're advancing with purpose.

  1. Compass mastery for straight-line travel
  2. Understanding terrain and weather patterns
  3. Land navigation skills development

Shelter and Comfort in the Wild

The Great Plains' beauty is matched by its capacity for sudden, harsh weather. In such a landscape, shelter isn't just about a place to sleep; it's about safety and warmth. The Corporal's Corner Kit offers compact, efficient shelter options, including tarps and ponchos engineered for quick setup and maximum protection.

Maintaining a comfortable body temperature can be the difference between a memorable adventure and a survival situation. This kit addresses thermal regulation with solutions that reflect the dual challenges of the Plains' hot days and cold nights. Whether it's utilizing the reflective tarp for shade or bundling up in a poncho liner for warmth, the kit prioritizes your comfort and safety.

Sleep is vital, and the kit's lightweight sleeping solutions ensure restorative rest without the bulk. From the minimalist approach of a poncho liner to the practicality of a compact sleeping bag, each component is selected for its ability to provide comfort and warmth in a lightweight, packable form.

  • Compact, efficient shelter options
  • Strategies for thermal regulation
  • Lightweight sleeping solutions

My experience on this: sleep really is critical to your success in outdoor adventures. I've been wet. I've been muddy. I've been hungry. I've been filthy. But if I get a good night's sleep, it's simply an adventure! But without a good night's sleep, it's misery. So make sure you are always able to get a good night's sleep.


The Great Plains of the US is a huge place with a wide range of weather and conditions. Corporal's Corner Emergency Survival Kit emerges not just as a set of tools, but as a companion for the wise adventurer. It reflects a profound understanding of the land, the challenges it presents, and the spirit of those who seek to explore it.

This kit isn’t about surviving; it’s about thriving. It equips you to face the wilderness with confidence, preparedness, and a deep respect for nature's power. With each tool, each piece of gear, you're not just carrying a load—you're bearing the knowledge, skill, and resilience to navigate the great outdoors.

We invite you to explore further, to prepare meticulously, and to embrace the adventure with the Corporal's Corner Kit as your trusted ally. Remember, in the realm of outdoor exploration, the right preparation can turn a challenge into the experience of a lifetime. Embrace the journey, equipped and empowered by the best.
