Build a pond

Don't have a pond?  Make one!

Creating a small pond on your property can be a great idea for water retention and livestock management. Here are a few things to consider when planning and constructing a pond:

  • Location: Choose a suitable location for your pond, preferably in an area with good soil drainage. Avoid areas prone to flooding or where water runoff is high.
  • Size: Determine the size of the pond based on your needs and available space. If you are using it to help provide water for cattle, consider the number of cattle you have and the amount of water they require. A general rule of thumb is to allocate around 1 acre-foot of water per cow per year.
  • Design: Decide on the shape and depth of the pond. A depth of at least 8-10 feet is recommended for fish habitat and to prevent excessive weed growth. Consider including shallow areas or shelves for aquatic plants and wildlife.
  • Soil Testing: Conduct a soil test to assess the soil's suitability for pond construction. The soil should have good clay content to retain water. If necessary, consult with a local soil conservation office or a professional pond builder for guidance.
  • Permits: Check with your local authorities regarding any permits or regulations required for pond construction. They may have specific guidelines on pond size, location, and environmental considerations.
  • Construction: Excavate the pond area, ensuring proper slope and depth. Consider including a spillway or overflow structure to manage excess water during heavy rainfall. It's advisable to consult with a professional excavator or pond builder to ensure proper construction techniques.
  • Stocking Fish: If you plan to stock panfish, consult with your local fisheries department or a fish hatchery to determine the appropriate fish species for your region. They can provide guidance on stocking rates and fish health management.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your pond healthy. This includes managing vegetation, monitoring water quality, and addressing any erosion or sedimentation issues.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with local experts or professionals who have experience in pond construction and management. They can provide valuable insights specific to your area and help ensure the success of your pond project.


There are several online resources that can provide you with more information and guidance on building and maintaining a pond. Here are a few reputable sources you can explore:

  • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): The NRCS provides technical assistance and resources for pond construction and management. Visit their website at and search for information on ponds or contact your local NRCS office for specific guidance.
  • Cooperative Extension System: Cooperative Extension offices, often affiliated with universities, offer valuable resources and expertise on various agricultural topics. They may have publications, fact sheets, and online resources related to pond construction and management. Search for your state's Cooperative Extension website and look for information on ponds or aquaculture.
  • Pond Management Guides: Many state fish and wildlife agencies have comprehensive guides on pond management. These guides often cover topics such as pond construction, fish stocking, water quality, and vegetation control. Search for your state's fish and wildlife agency website and look for resources related to pond management.
  • Online Forums and Communities: Joining online forums or communities dedicated to pond management can provide you with a platform to connect with experienced pond owners and professionals. Websites like Pond Boss and Pond Boss Forum are popular platforms where you can ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others.

Always cross-reference information from multiple sources and consult with local experts who have knowledge of your specific region and its regulations.

University Extension Support

Many public and universities have have extension services that can provide valuable assistance and resources for pond management. Here are some specific programs and resources you can explore:

Kansas State University: The KSU Extension provides research-based information and resources on various agricultural topics, including pond management. You can visit their website at and search for publications or contact your local extension office for specific guidance.

Kansas Pond Management: KSU has a dedicated program called Kansas Pond Management that offers resources, workshops, and educational materials on pond construction, stocking, and management. You can find more information on their website or contact the KSU Extension office for assistance.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln: The UNL Extension offers a wide range of resources and expertise on agricultural topics, including pond management. Visit their website at and search for publications or contact your local extension office for specific guidance.

Nebraska Extension Pond Management: UNL has a program called Nebraska Extension Pond Management that provides resources, workshops, and educational materials on pond construction, stocking, and management. You can find more information on their website or contact the UNL Extension office for assistance.

Oklahoma State University (OSU):  The OSU Extension provides resources and expertise on various agricultural topics, including pond management. Visit their website at and search for publications or contact your local extension office for specific guidance.

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Texas A&M... relax!
This isn't about game day.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension offers resources and expertise on agricultural topics, including pond management. Visit their website at and search for publications or contact your local extension office for specific guidance.

South Dakota State University (SDSU):  The SDSU Extension provides resources and expertise on various agricultural topics, including pond management. Visit their website at and search for publications or contact your local extension office for specific guidance.

North Dakota State University (NDSU): The NDSU Extension offers resources and expertise on agricultural topics, including pond management. Visit their website at and search for publications or contact your local extension office for specific guidance.

These universities, along with their respective extension services, often have experts and specialists who can provide valuable guidance and assistance for pond management specific to their regions. It's recommended to visit their websites or contact their extension offices directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding their programs and services.

Remember to reach out to the extension offices directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding their programs and services.
