Prepper Church: December 31, 2023

Love Your Enemies


Take time to gather informally and preview the service outline.  If you'd like to participate in communion and lighting of the advent candles, please be prepared to do so.  


I.  Opening

Welcome and Introduction:  Welcome, fellow preppers, to our service for the last Sunday in 2023. As we learn to overcome the challenges of preparing for uncertain times, let us also prepare our hearts for the arrival of the greatest gift—Jesus Christ.

Opening Prayer:  In the Blessed Name of Jesus of Nazareth, we gather here in this place to Worship the Lord God our Father, to celebrate the Cleansing Blood of Jesus who has saved us, and to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives for Divine Guidance in our very lives.  Thank you for your promises to us in your Holy Word.

Scripture:  Luke 6:32-35 (The Amplified Bible):  If you [only] love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. If you lend [money] to those from whom you expect to receive [it back], what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners expecting to receive back the same amount. But love [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for] your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; for your reward will be great (rich, abundant), and you will be sons of the Most High; because He Himself is kind and gracious and good to the ungrateful and the wicked.

II.  Worship and Praise

Let's enter into a time of worship, reflecting on the value of Peace.

Video Link:  What a friend we have in Jesus – Alan Jackson 

Reflection: Here are a few points for reflection during Alan Jackson's rendition of What a Friend We Have in Jesus:

  • Gratitude for Friendship: Reflect on the profound friendship we have in Jesus, who bears our sins and griefs. Consider the depth of this friendship and express gratitude for the privilege of carrying everything to God in prayer.
  • Peace in Prayer: Contemplate the peace that comes from taking our trials, temptations, and troubles to the Lord in prayer. Consider moments in your life when prayer has brought peace and relief, acknowledging that sometimes we forfeit this peace unnecessarily.
  • Faithfulness of Jesus: Ponder the faithfulness of Jesus as a friend who knows our weaknesses and shares in our sorrows. Recognize the comfort and strength found in turning to Jesus in prayer, knowing that we have a faithful and compassionate friend.
  • Encouragement in Trials: Take inspiration from the lyrics that encourage us not to be discouraged in the face of trials and temptations. Consider how the act of taking our burdens to the Lord in prayer provides encouragement and hope.

As the song plays, these points can guide individuals in personal reflection on the themes of friendship, prayer, peace, and the faithfulness of Jesus.

III. Communion

Let's partake in communion as we remember the profound sacrifice that began with the humble birth of our Savior.

Communion symbolizes Jesus' sacrifice, offering forgiveness and eternal life to those who believe. It's for those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior. We invite you to take communion at home, guiding you through preparation, prayer, and reflection. It's an opportunity to introduce the practice to your family, fostering meaningful conversations about its significance.

During the time of Communion, please share the cup and break the bread as is suitable for your gathering,

IV:  Message:  Love Your Enemies

Today, as we gather on this last Sunday of the year, our hearts are drawn to the teaching of Jesus found in Luke 6:32-35. It's a teaching that challenges the very core of how we understand and practice love. So, let's open our hearts and minds to the transformative words of our Lord as we explore the call to radical love, the character of Godly love, and the promised rewards for embracing Christ-like love in our lives.

The Call to Radical Love

In this passage from Luke 6:32-35, Jesus issues a profound challenge to his followers.  It's a challenge that transcends conventional notions of love. The command is clear: love not only those who reciprocate your affection but extend love even to those who may be perceived as adversaries. This call is radical, revolutionary even, as it beckons believers to surpass societal expectations and norms in the expressions of their love. 

The scripture specifically commands that we "love [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for] your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return" -- This call reshapes our understanding of love, urging us to embrace a transformative and all-encompassing love that mirrors the boundless love of our Savior.

Let's think:  who are our "enemies" to love?  This command is not just for Ohio State and Michigan fans on Game Day.  This command is for us to love those who would have us obliterated from the planet and destroyed from existence.  We are to love people who want us dead.

Each person is a creation of the Almighty Lord God, created with a divine purpose.  That divine purpose can still be fulfilled.  Our duty is to love them and help them find that they are loved unconditionally by their Creator who wants desperately to have them in His Family.

The Character of Godly Love

As we journey deeper into Luke 6:32-35, we uncover the intricate characteristics of the love that Jesus calls us to embody. We are to do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return (that's another way of saying "give").

This divine love, as described by our Savior, is marked by mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. These attributes are not merely admirable traits but essential facets of the nature of God's love. In understanding this, believers are challenged to reflect the divine love in their relationships, mirroring the merciful heart, compassionate spirit, and forgiving nature of our Heavenly Father. 

Anyone can lend money to someone and expect repayment plus interest.  We are to lend to our enemies and expect nothing in return.  We are to do good for our enemies and expect nothing in return.  We are to seek the best or higher good for our enemies and expect nothing in return.

The Reward of Christ-Like Love

Jesus also promises that there is a reward of loving enemies. This promise extends beyond the immediate realm of personal emotions or reactions. It invites believers to consider the profound impact of Christ-like love on their spiritual journey and, equally importantly, on the world around them. This reward involves recognizing that loving enemies is not merely a selfless act; it is an investment in personal spiritual growth and a potential catalyst for transformation in the lives of others. As we explore this dimension of Christ's teaching, let us open our hearts to the expansive rewards that await those who dare to love in the radical, Christ-like manner prescribed by our Savior.

Wrapping up with more questions

As we wrap ups this study, I'm sure that we have created some questions--should we never lend money and expect it in return?  Should we give away our store?  I believe that the answer to that is "no" based on other scriptures about having fair and balanced scales, truthful contracts, and other business agreement lessons.  However, finding that proper balance is a lifelong journey and I recommend that you consult with The Holy Spirit for guidance.  Follow the guidance of The Lord and you will never be off course.

Let's reflect on the powerful words of Jesus that call us to love beyond our comfort zones. The challenge is great, but so is the reward. May we leave this sanctuary today with a renewed commitment to love as Christ loved us, with a radical and transformative love that not only changes our hearts but has the power to change the world. In the year ahead, let us be known for our love, even for our enemies, as we follow the example set by our Savior. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.

V:  Offering

We trust each local group to manage their offerings locally, guided by faith and the Holy Spirit. Let all our generosity strengthen our community and reach those in need around us.

In other words: do collect the offering, but don't send it to me. You decide what to do with it.

VI:  Closing

Closing Prayer:  Gracious Father, we thank you for the time we've spent reflecting on your call to radical love. As we go from this place, may your Holy Spirit empower us to embody Christ-like love, even for those we may find challenging… especially those we absolutely find challenging. Help us to carry the lessons of today's message into our daily lives, being merciful, compassionate, and forgiving. Grant us the strength to love our enemies and, in doing so, be a reflection of your divine love to the world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Closing Remarks:  Today we discussed the challenging call of Jesus to love our enemies. There are no shortages of enemies in this world today.  The world is filled with diverse opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds—as well as some people who would wish us the harshest end on this earth:  may we, as followers of Christ, shine His love through radical acts of kindness and compassion. Let us go forth with a renewed commitment to emulate God's character in our relationships.

Local Group Discussion and Fellowship

Feel free to continue the celebration in your local groups, discussing the message, sharing your reflections, and enjoying fellowship.  Here are a few points of reflection for the entire service that individuals and groups can discuss informally afterward:

  • Reflecting on Enemy Love: Share instances where you've found it challenging to love someone, and discuss how you can apply Christ-like love in those situations.
  • Characteristics of Godly Love: Explore the characteristics of God's love and how you can manifest mercy, compassion, and forgiveness in your interactions.
  • Long-term Impact: Consider the long-term impact of Christ-like love on personal growth and its potential to influence others positively. Share stories of how such love has impacted your life.
  • Practical Steps: Discuss practical steps to cultivate a spirit of enemy love in your daily life. What intentional actions can you take to express love to those who may be challenging?
  • Personal Growth: Share experiences of personal growth through loving those you find difficult. How has extending love beyond societal norms impacted your spiritual journey?
  • Action:  Who is an enemy you should reach out to and love, and how should you do that?

Encourage open and honest dialogue, emphasizing the shared journey of growth and learning as a community of believers.
