Prepper Church: Christmas 2023

Prepper Church Service - December 25, 2023 Christmas Day

I.  Opening

Welcome and Introduction:  Welcome to our Christmas service.  we'll reflect on the timeless story of Jesus' birth as told in Luke 2:8-14 and draw inspiration from the classic Charlie Brown Christmas special. Charlie Brown wants to know what Christmas is all about.  We all need a reminder of what Christmas is all about.

Opening Prayer:  Gracious Father, at this sacred time we gather to celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Open our hearts to receive the timeless message of hope, joy, and love that Christmas brings. May the Holy Spirit illuminate our minds as we explore the profound meaning of Christ's birth. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Advent Candles:  Now it is time to light the fifth Advent candle, called “The Candle of Light and Purity” or the Christ Candle.  This candle is traditionally white and represents light, purity and Christ coming into the world. It is placed in the middle as a reminder of the preeminent place of Christ.

Preparation:  In the Charlie Brown Christmas special, we witness a powerful moment when Linus, always clinging to his security blanket, recites the Christmas story. Notice that at the phrase "Fear not," Linus drops his security blanket. It's a symbolic gesture, reminding us that in the presence of Christ, we find true security and peace. Tonight, let's reflect on the significance of laying down our fears and anxieties in the light of Christ's birth.

Scripture:  Luke 2:8-20, by Linus 

II.  Worship and Praise

Video Link:  Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon (Official Music Video)

Reflection:  Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Canon" is a beautiful and emotive piece. Here are some points of reflection for people to consider while the song plays and allow the music to deepen your connection to the Christmas spirit

  • Embracing the Joy of Christmas:  As the song speaks of the joy of Christmas, reflect on what brings you joy during this season. Consider the simple and profound moments that make Christmas special for you.
  • The Message of Peace and Hope:  The lyrics mention a prayer for our lives to reflect the dream of Christmas, a dream that brings peace and hope. What does this dream mean to you personally? How can you embody the message of peace and hope in your own life?
  • Childlike Wonder:  The mention of each child still knowing the dream he had invokes a sense of childlike wonder. Reflect on the innocence and purity of children during the Christmas season. How can you approach this season with a similar sense of wonder and awe?
  • Prayer for Reflection:  Use this time to offer a personal prayer for reflection. Pray for your life to reflect the true meaning of Christmas, the love, joy, and hope that Christ brings. Consider areas of your life where you can share these qualities with others.
  • Hope for the Future:  Consider the hope embedded in the Christmas story. Reflect on your hopes and aspirations for the coming year. How can the Christmas message inspire and guide you in the months ahead?
  • Celebrating the Birth of Christ:  As the song creates a backdrop of joy and prayer, take a moment to focus on the central figure of Christmas—the birth of Jesus Christ. Consider the significance of this event and how it has impacted your life. How does the birth of Christ bring meaning and purpose to the season, and how can you celebrate this profound moment in your reflections and actions during Christmas?

III. Communion

Let's partake in communion as we remember the profound sacrifice that began with the humble birth of our Savior. 

Communion symbolizes Jesus' sacrifice, offering forgiveness and eternal life to those who believe. It's for those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior. We invite you to take communion at home, guiding you through preparation, prayer, and reflection. It's an opportunity to introduce the practice to your family, fostering meaningful conversations about its significance.

During the time of Communion, please share the cup and break the bread as is suitable for your gathering,

IV:  Message:  Linus Nails It

Heavenly Father, as we gather on this sacred occasion, we invite Your presence into our midst. May the joy of the season and the true meaning of Christmas resonate in our hearts. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Fear Not: The Angelic Message

Scripture: Luke 2:8-10 (AMP)  "In the same region there were shepherds staying out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord flashed and shone around them, and they were terribly frightened. But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people.'"

  • The Shepherds' Fear: Imagine the shepherds, ordinary people like us, encountering the divine in the quiet of the night. The sudden appearance of the angel struck fear into their hearts, much like the uncertainties we face in our lives.
  • Angel's Reassurance: The angel's first words were "Do not be afraid." In Christ, we find a source of reassurance and peace. Just as the angel comforted the shepherds, Christ invites us to let go of our fears and find security in Him.
  • Linus and the Security Blanket: Linus, in the Peanuts Christmas special, drops his security blanket as he recites the angelic message. It's a symbolic act, showing that in Christ, we can release our fears and insecurities. Reflect on what your "security blanket" might be and consider letting go, trusting in the peace that Christ provides.

Good News of Great Joy

Scripture: Luke 2:10-11 (AMP)  "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people. For this day in the city of David, there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (the Messiah)."

  • Birth of Jesus and Unparalleled Joy: The arrival of Jesus brings a joy that surpasses all understanding. It's a joy meant for everyone, transcending circumstances and filling our hearts with hope and gladness.
  • Reflecting on the Heavenly Host: The angelic proclamation is joined by a multitude of the heavenly host praising God. As we celebrate Christmas, ponder the joyous chorus of heaven and let it inspire your own expressions of gratitude and joy.

Our Savior, Christ the Lord

Scripture: Luke 2:11-14 (AMP)  "For this day in the city of David, there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (the Messiah). And this will be a sign for you [by which you will recognize Him]: you will find a Baby wrapped in [swaddling] cloths and lying in a manger.' Then suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host (angelic army) praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest [heaven], and on earth peace among men with whom He is well-pleased.'"

  • Titles Given to the Newborn Jesus: Jesus is introduced as the Savior and Christ the Lord. Reflect on the significance of these titles and how they resonate with the core message of Christmas.
  • Finding Him in a Humble Manger: The juxtaposition of the Savior born in a manger, a symbol of humility, speaks volumes about God's love for all. Consider the profound humility of Christ's birth and how it calls us to approach Him with humility and gratitude.


As we embrace the message of fear not, celebrate the good news of great joy, and recognize Jesus as our Savior, Christ the Lord, let this Christmas be a time of deep reflection and heartfelt worship. May the birth of Christ transform our fears into faith, our sorrows into joy, and our lives into a living testimony of God's love.

V:  Offering

We trust each local group to manage their offerings locally, guided by faith and the Holy Spirit. Let all our generosity strengthen our community and reach those in need around us.

In other words: do collect the offering, but don't send it to me. You decide what to do with it.

VI:  Closing

Closing Prayer:  Heavenly Father, as we depart from this place, may the reality of Christ's birth continue to inspire and transform us. Grant us the courage to embrace the message of "fear not" and to share the joy and hope of Christmas with those around us. In the name of Jesus, our Savior, we pray. Amen.

Closing Remarks:  Thank you for joining us on this special night. We encourage you to carry the spirit of Christmas into your homes and communities, sharing the love and joy that Christ brings.

Local Group Discussion and Fellowship

Feel free to continue the celebration in your local groups, discussing the message, sharing your reflections, and enjoying fellowship.
