Preparing Your Home for Severe Weather Events in the Great Plains

Preparing Your Home for Severe Weather Events in the Great Plains

Living in the Great Plains region means being prepared for severe weather events that can occur throughout the year. From tornadoes to thunderstorms and blizzards, it is essential to take proactive measures to protect your home and ensure the safety of your family. In this article, we will discuss key steps you can take to prepare your home for severe weather events in the Great Plains.

  • Create an Emergency Plan: Developing an emergency plan is crucial to ensure everyone in your household knows what to do in the event of severe weather. Identify safe areas within your home, such as basements or storm shelters, and establish a communication plan to stay connected with family members during emergencies. Practice drills regularly to familiarize everyone with the procedures.
  • Reinforce Doors and Windows: Strong winds and flying debris pose a significant threat during severe weather events. Reinforce doors and windows with storm shutters, impact-resistant glass, or plywood to minimize the risk of damage. Consider installing sturdy locks and hinges to keep doors securely closed during high winds.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Remove or secure any outdoor items that could become projectiles during severe weather. This includes patio furniture, grills, and gardening tools. Anchor larger items, such as sheds or play structures, to the ground to prevent them from being lifted or damaged by strong winds.
  • Maintain Trees and Landscaping: Regularly inspect and maintain trees on your property to identify any weak or dead branches that could potentially fall during a storm. Trim these branches to reduce the risk of damage to your home or power lines. Additionally, ensure proper drainage around your property to prevent flooding.
  • Install Lightning Protection: Lightning strikes are common during severe thunderstorms. Consider installing a lightning protection system to safeguard your home and electrical systems. These systems redirect lightning strikes safely into the ground, minimizing the risk of fire or electrical damage.
  • Backup Power Source: Invest in a backup power source, such as a generator, to ensure essential appliances and systems can continue to function during power outages. Test the generator regularly and have a sufficient supply of fuel stored safely.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on weather forecasts and warnings through reliable sources such as the US National Weather Service. Sign up for emergency alerts specific to your area to receive timely information about severe weather events. Additionally, consider using the FBN Analyze: Weather tab for more detailed agronomic weather data tailored to your location.


Preparing your home for severe weather events in the Great Plains is crucial for the safety and well-being of your family. By following these steps and staying informed, you can minimize the risks associated with severe weather and ensure a safer living environment. Remember, preparedness is key, so take the time to assess your home's vulnerabilities and make the necessary improvements to protect your loved ones. Stay safe!
