Essential Outdoor Survival Skills for Great Plains Farmers

Lessons from the Farm:  Essential Outdoor Survival Skills

Farmers in the Great Plains face unique challenges when it comes to outdoor survival. From extreme weather conditions to potential accidents, having essential survival skills is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of farmers. In this blog article, we will explore some of the essential outdoor survival skills that every Great Plains farmer should possess to navigate potential emergencies and unexpected situations.

  • Navigation and Map Reading: Being able to navigate effectively is a fundamental survival skill. Familiarize yourself with the area surrounding your farm and learn how to read maps and use a compass. This knowledge will help you find your way in unfamiliar terrain or during low visibility conditions. Additionally, consider marking important landmarks and access points on your property to aid navigation during emergencies.
  • First Aid and Medical Training: Accidents can happen anywhere, and having basic first aid and medical training is essential for farmers. Learn how to administer CPR, treat wounds, and handle common injuries. Additionally, consider taking a first aid course specifically tailored to agricultural settings, as it may cover topics such as farm-related injuries and emergency response in rural areas.
  • Fire Safety and Firefighting: Fires can pose a significant threat to farms, especially during dry seasons. Familiarize yourself with fire safety protocols, including proper storage and handling of flammable materials. Learn how to use fire extinguishers effectively and consider having fire suppression equipment readily available on your farm. Additionally, establish firebreaks and maintain a defensible space around structures to minimize the risk of fire spreading.
  • Water Sourcing and Purification: Access to clean water is vital for survival. In emergency situations, knowing how to source and purify water is crucial. Familiarize yourself with nearby water sources, such as rivers, ponds, or wells, and learn how to properly filter and purify water to make it safe for consumption. Consider keeping emergency water supplies on your farm as a backup.
  • Shelter Building and Survival Gear: In case of unexpected situations or emergencies, knowing how to build temporary shelters can be life-saving. Learn basic shelter-building techniques using natural materials or carry essential survival gear, such as tarps, ropes, and emergency blankets. These items can provide protection from the elements and help maintain body temperature during adverse weather conditions.
  • Food Procurement and Storage: In prolonged emergency situations, ensuring a stable food supply becomes crucial. Familiarize yourself with local edible plants and learn basic hunting and trapping techniques. Additionally, consider storing non-perishable food items and maintaining a well-stocked emergency pantry on your farm.


Being prepared for outdoor survival is essential for Great Plains farmers. By acquiring essential skills such as navigation, first aid, fire safety, water sourcing, shelter building, and food procurement, farmers can enhance their ability to handle emergencies and unexpected situations. Remember, investing time and effort into learning these skills can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety and well-being of both yourself and your farm. Stay prepared, stay safe!
