Winter camping mistakes

Staying warm when camping in the winter

If you want to learn how to stay warm when camping in the winter, ask a true expert.  We've reviewed and summarized this YouTube video where Stina (of Matti & Stina) shares her winter camping expertise gained from 20 years of experience in the North of Sweden. 

We reommend that you watch the video in full to learn as much as you can--but with that said, we are happy to offer a summarization of her seven tips.  In the video, she discusses the top seven winter camping mistakes and offers tips to avoid them for a more comfortable experience:

  1. Sleeping Pad Choice: Using a sleeping pad that isn't warm enough for cold temperatures. Stina recommends using inflatable sleeping mats and complementing them with thinner foam mats for added insulation.
  2. Sleeping Bag Temperature: Choosing a sleeping bag with a temperature rating that may not provide enough warmth. Stina advises selecting a sleeping bag with a comfort rating slightly lower than the expected temperatures.
  3. Entering a Cold Sleeping Bag: Stina cautions against getting into a cold sleeping bag, as it won't produce warmth on its own. She suggests doing a little workout to raise body temperature before getting into the bag.
  4. Wearing Wet Clothes: Going to bed in damp clothes is discouraged. Stina recommends bringing an extra pair of dry long wool underwear to wear at night and dry out other layers.
  5. Not Using a Hat: Stina emphasizes the importance of wearing a hat to retain heat, as most body heat escapes through the head. She suggests using a beanie made of materials other than cotton.
  6. Breathing in the Sleeping Bag: Breathing into the sleeping bag may feel warm initially but leads to dampness. Stina advises against this and suggests wearing a hat with proper ventilation.
  7. Closing Tent Ventilation: Closing all tent ventilations is discouraged, as exhaling moisture can lead to condensation and frost inside the tent. Stina recommends keeping ventilation open and using cloths to wipe off frost.

Stina concludes by expressing hope for viewers to have comfortable winter camping experiences and encourages them to share additional tips in the comments. 
