Prepper Church Thanksgiving

Prepper Church Service (Thanksgiving) - November 23, 2023 

I. Opening Session

  • Welcome and Introduction 
  • Opening Prayer:  "Gracious Lord, as we gather on this Thanksgiving Day, we are reminded by the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks in all circumstances. As we commence this time of worship and reflection, open our hearts to the spirit of gratitude. May this day be an offering of thanks to You, our Provider and Sustainer. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen."
  • Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) - "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus".

II. Worship and Praise

  • Video Link: The Thanksgiving Song - The Petersens (LIVE) 
  • Reflection: Here are some points to consider while "The Thanksgiving Song" by The Petersens plays:
    • Reflection on Family Traditions:  As you listen to the lyrics, think about your own family traditions during Thanksgiving. What are the rituals or customs that make this holiday uniquely special for your family?
    • Cherishing Moments with Loved Ones:  The song mentions the passing of time and the evolution of family dynamics. Reflect on the moments you've shared with your loved ones and how those moments have shaped your family story.
    • Appreciation for the Bittersweet Nature of Life:  Consider the lyrics that describe life as "short and bittersweet." How does this perspective resonate with your own experiences? In what ways can you appreciate both the joys and challenges life brings?
    • Gratitude for Family Resilience:  The song highlights the enduring love within a family despite physical distance. Take a moment to express gratitude for the resilience and strength that family bonds bring, especially during challenging times.
    • Finding Joy in Thanksgiving Traditions:  Whether it's watching football, sharing a meal, or reminiscing about past Thanksgivings, think about the simple joys that make this holiday special. How do these traditions contribute to the overall joy of Thanksgiving?
    • Embracing Imperfections and Laughter:  The outtakes at the end of the video show the fun and imperfections that come with family gatherings. Embrace the laughter and quirks that make your family unique. What are some funny or endearing moments you've shared during past Thanksgivings?

These points of thought are designed to encourage reflection on the themes of family, gratitude, and the bittersweet nature of life, creating a meaningful experience for listeners during "The Thanksgiving Song."

III. Communion


Communion symbolizes Jesus' sacrifice, offering forgiveness and eternal life to those who believe. It's for those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior. We invite you to take communion at home, guiding you through preparation, prayer, and reflection. It's an opportunity to introduce the practice to your family, fostering meaningful conversations about its significance.

During the time of Communion, please share the cup and break the bread as is suitable for your gathering,

IV. Message:  Gratitude in Every Season

As we gather on this Thanksgiving Day, let us turn our hearts to the timeless truth found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV): "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." Today, we explore the profound call to cultivate gratitude not just in moments of abundance but in every season of our lives.

Giving Thanks in All Circumstances [1 Thessalonians 5:18]

Scripture: "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

The apostle Paul, writing to the Thessalonians, underscores a transformative truth—thanksgiving is not contingent on circumstances. In times of plenty and scarcity, joy and sorrow, God's will remains consistent: a heart of gratitude.

Thanksgiving as a Spiritual Discipline

Scripture: Psalm 100:4 (NIV) - "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

Gratitude is not merely a fleeting emotion but a spiritual discipline that opens the doors to communion with God. The psalmist invites us to enter God's presence with thanksgiving, emphasizing the transformative power of gratitude in our worship.


As we savor the bountiful feast before us and the warmth of fellowship, let us carry this truth in our hearts: God's will is for us to give thanks in all circumstances. In every season of life, whether in times of harvest or the quietude of winter, the call to gratitude echoes. May our lives be a symphony of thanksgiving, a melody that resounds not only today but throughout the year.

Closing Prayer

"Gracious Father, on this Thanksgiving Day, we thank You for the gift of your Word that guides us to give thanks in all circumstances. As we depart from this time of reflection, may our hearts remain attuned to the melody of gratitude, and may our lives be a continuous expression of thanks to You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen."

V. Offering

We trust each local group to manage their offerings locally, guided by faith and the Holy Spirit. Let all our generosity strengthen our community and reach those in need around us.

In other words: do collect the offering, but don't send it to me. You decide what to do with it.

VI. Closing Session

  • Closing Remarks and Gratitude for Community Participation
  • Closing Prayer: "Heavenly Father, as we conclude this Thanksgiving Day service, we are grateful for the timeless truth found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. May the spirit of gratitude linger in our hearts beyond this moment. As we go forth from this place, help us to carry the light of thanksgiving into every season of our lives. In the name of Jesus, our constant source of joy and gratitude, we pray. Amen."

Local Group Discussion and Fellowship

Continue to gather on your own in fellowship and discussion as you see fit.  Here are some ideas to spark points of discussion about the sermon in relation to bushcraft and prepping:

  • Reflecting on Daily Gratitude:  Share one thing you are thankful for from today, and discuss how cultivating daily gratitude can impact our perspective on life.
  • Acts of Thanksgiving:  Share an experience where someone's act of kindness or thanksgiving made a meaningful impact on your life. How can we actively practice thanksgiving through acts of kindness in our communities?
  • Gratitude Challenges:  Discuss the challenges of maintaining a grateful heart in difficult circumstances. How can we support each other in cultivating gratitude even in the midst of challenges?
  • Creating a Culture of Thanksgiving:  How can we create a culture of thanksgiving within our families, workplaces, and communities? Share ideas for fostering an environment of gratitude.
  • Expressing Gratitude to God:  In what ways can we express our gratitude to God beyond words? Consider personal practices or rituals that deepen our connection with God through thanksgiving.

These discussion topics aim to engage participants in meaningful conversations about gratitude, its practical implications, and how it can be woven into the fabric of our daily lives.
