Mini Wood Stove from an Altoids Tin!

Unleash Your Inner Survivor: Craft a Mini Wood Stove from an Altoids Tin!

Few projects are as satisfying as transforming a humble Altoids tin into a functional, pocket-sized wood-burning stove. With over two million views, the video titled "How To Make A Mini Wood Stove - Easy & Effective!" demonstrates the art of crafting a portable wood stove that's not only efficient but also incredibly compact. In this article, we'll review the creative process showcased in the video and share some insights from my personal experience testing this ingenious creation.

The Video: How To Make A Mini Wood Stove - Easy & Effective!

Posted on November 23, 2013 and sporting well more than 2 million views, this video provides specific plans for making a wood-burning stove from a classic Altoids tin. The creator (IntenseAngler) emphasizes the stove's effectiveness, portability, and versatility. It's not just a backpacking essential; it's an invaluable addition to your emergency kit or bug-out bag. The video showcases how this DIY stove can be a game-changer, providing an affordable alternative to high-end camping stoves.

My Experience: Putting the Mini Wood Stove to the Test

I decided to put this nifty creation to the test, and the results were impressive. After constructing the stove, I added a unique feature: a wind shield made from aluminum foil, wrapped around the posts and held in place with a clip. This addition served a dual purpose: it protected the flame from gusts of wind and funneled the heat upwards, enhancing the stove's efficiency.

I conducted three tests:

  1. Basic Flame Test: The stove easily maintained a fire under the surface area, demonstrating its practical functionality.
  2. Boiling Water Attempt: Using a tealight candle, I managed to raise the water temperature to 130°F.  Not really enough for "cooking" needs but it isn't terrible... and a simple single-flame candle I would expect no less.
  3. Advanced Fuel Test: Using a SOL all-weather fire cube (no longer available on the market), the stove generated an abundance of heat, almost reaching the boiling point within two minutes.  I had to stop it because the flames were too high for the place I was testing!  Caution is necessary due to the intense flames produced.
Since these basic tests, I have taken the stove out in the field and used it to boil water with just natural wood branches as fuel.

Viewer Comments: A Community of Creativity

The video's comment section is filled with enthusiastic responses from viewers who have successfully replicated this project. Suggestions for improvements and variations abound, showcasing the inventive spirit of the DIY community. From enhancing airflow to adding a handle for safe handling, viewers have shared valuable insights, enriching the project's potential.

Conclusion: Join the DIY Adventure!

This video is not just a tutorial; it's an invitation to embark on a creative journey. Crafting a mini wood stove from an Altoids tin is an enjoyable and practical project for outdoor enthusiasts, campers, and preppers alike. 

Consider giving this project a try. It's not just about building a stove; it's about empowering yourself with essential skills for the great outdoors. So, grab an Altoids tin, watch the video, and let your inner survivor thrive! Remember, the wilderness is waiting, and with a mini wood stove in your pocket, you're always ready for the next adventure.
