Hot Tent Camping in Winter

Hot Tent Camping

Winter camping enthusiasts often seek the warmth and comfort of hot tents to enjoy the snowy wilderness. In this article, we explore valuable insights and recommendations shared by experienced campers in their YouTube videos. Below are the references to the insightful videos that provided the foundation for this article:

Please be sure to enjoy watching their full videos.  Also, here's the video from the manufacturer on the tent being reviewed:

Key Findings

We analyzed the three videos.  Here are the common points found in all three hot tent camping experiences:

  • Snowfall and Cold Weather: All three experiences took place in snowy and cold weather conditions, highlighting the use of hot tents to stay warm in such environments.
  • Use of a Wood-Burning Stove: Each camper utilized a wood-burning stove inside the hot tent for heating and cooking. The stoves were a central focus of their camping setups.
  • Challenges in Setting Up Stove Pipe: All campers faced challenges in setting up the stove pipe. They found it difficult to assemble and align the stove pipe properly, causing some frustration and inconvenience.
  • Camp Cooking: All campers engaged in camp cooking activities, utilizing the wood-burning stove to prepare meals. Cooking included items like bacon, sausages, steak, eggs, and grilled cheese sandwiches, demonstrating the versatility of the stoves.
  • Positive Feedback on Hot Tent Performance: Despite challenges with the stove pipe, all campers expressed satisfaction with the hot tent's overall performance. They appreciated the warmth and comfort provided by the hot tent in cold weather conditions.
  • Enjoying the Snowy Environment: Campers appreciated the snowy environment and the beauty of camping in the snow. They mentioned activities like collecting firewood in the snow and enjoying the winter scenery.
  • Solo Camping: Two of the campers (Kent Survival and Careena Alexis) camped solo, emphasizing the suitability of hot tents for solo winter camping trips.
  • Use of Additional Camping Gear: Campers utilized additional gear such as sleeping bags, bivvy bags, pillows, chairs, and cooking utensils to enhance their camping experience inside the hot tents.

These common points highlight the shared experiences and challenges faced by campers using hot tents in snowy and cold conditions. Let me know if you would like to explore specific differences of opinion or any other aspects of the transcripts!

Differences of opinion

There are a few points where there were differences of opinion or experiences among the three videos in their hot tent camping adventures:

  • Stove Pipe Assembly: While all campers struggled with stove pipe assembly to some extent, their experiences and frustration levels varied. Kent Survival and Corporals Corner both expressed challenges and found it difficult to set up the stove pipe properly. Kent Survival had a hard time aligning the stove pipe due to its stiffness, and Corporals Corner mentioned the struggle of initial setup. On the other hand, Careena Alexis, while finding it challenging, successfully assembled the stove pipe, although she noted it wasn't a pleasant experience.
  • Solo vs. Group Camping: Kent Survival and Careena Alexis camped solo, emphasizing the suitability of hot tents for solo winter camping trips. In contrast, Corporals Corner mentioned the potential for accommodating two people in his hot tent, implying the option for group camping, although he camped solo in the specific video discussed.
  • Stove Performance: Corporals Corner had a particularly positive experience with the ultralight backpacking hot tent stove, finding it highly effective and mentioning the need to vent due to excess heat. Kent Survival, too, had a positive experience with his hot tent stove, appreciating the heat it provided in the snowy environment. Careena Alexis, although satisfied with her hot tent, did not specifically comment on the stove's performance.
  • Cooking Methods: While all campers engaged in camp cooking, their approaches and meals differed. Kent Survival and Corporals Corner cooked a variety of items, including sausages, bacon, steak, eggs, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Careena Alexis prepared a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich with bacon, mushrooms, and brie cheese, showcasing a more elaborate cooking style.
  • Enjoyment of the Snowy Environment: While all campers appreciated the snowy environment, their levels of enthusiasm varied. Kent Survival expressed delight in the snowy surroundings and the beauty of camping in the snow. Corporals Corner, although mentioning the lack of snow for snow shelters, seemed content with the camping experience despite the minimal snowfall. Careena Alexis, while appreciating the snowfall, expressed a desire for even more snow in her camping experience.

These differences highlight the individual preferences, challenges faced, and diverse approaches to hot tent camping among the campers. Let me know if you need more specific details on any of these points!


Here is a summary of the recommendations provided in the video transcripts for hot tent camping:

  • Proper Stove Pipe Assembly:  Take time to properly assemble the stove pipe, as it can be challenging.  Consider practicing assembling the stove pipe before the actual camping trip to familiarize yourself with the process.
  • Solo Camping:  Hot tents are suitable for solo camping trips in winter conditions.  Larger hot tents are available on the market for multiple campers.  Consider the size of the hot tent to ensure it is manageable for solo setup and usage.
  • Stove Performance:  Choose a high-quality stove for the hot tent, ensuring it provides sufficient heat.  Be mindful of the stove's heating capacity, especially in smaller tents, and regulate the heat output as needed.  Ventilation may be necessary to control excess heat generated by the stove.
  • Camp Cooking:  Plan and bring a variety of foods for camp cooking, including sausages, bacon, steak, eggs, grilled cheese sandwiches, and other preferred items.  Use portable cookware and utensils suitable for camping.  Be creative with camp cooking, exploring different recipes and ingredients.
  • Enjoyment of the Snowy Environment:  Embrace and appreciate the beauty of camping in a snowy environment.  Engage in outdoor activities like collecting firewood, cooking, and exploring the snow-covered surroundings.
  • Gear Preparation:  Ensure all camping gear, including clothing, sleeping bags, and insulation, is appropriate for winter conditions.  Pack extra clothing layers, especially for cold nights.  Bring a ground mat or sheet to insulate from the cold ground.
  • Safety Precautions:  Practice fire safety and proper stove usage to prevent accidents.  Ventilate the tent adequately to avoid carbon monoxide buildup.  Be cautious with sharp tools and equipment used for setting up and cooking.
  • Personal Preferences:  Tailor the camping experience to personal preferences, such as food choices and camping activities.  Experiment with different cooking methods and recipes to enhance the camping experience.

These recommendations highlight the importance of proper preparation, gear selection, safety, and personal enjoyment when engaging in hot tent camping during winter.  By following these expert tips and recommendations, winter camping enthusiasts can enjoy a cozy and safe hot tent camping experience even in the chilliest of weather. Happy camping!
