The one rope commando bridge

Mastering the One Rope Commando Bridge: A Detailed Review

In his 20th mid-week video, titled "The One Rope Commando Bridge," retired USMC Corporal Shawn Kelly dives into the intricacies of a survival skill that often goes overlooked: creating a sturdy bridge with just a single rope. In this blog post, we'll dissect his tutorial and explore the nuances of this technique, emphasizing the importance of mastering such skills for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists alike.

Watch the full video and learn from Corporal Kelly as we do!

Understanding the One Rope Commando Bridge

Corporal Kelly introduces the concept of the One Rope Commando Bridge, a technique he initially explored several years ago. This bridge-making method serves as a fundamental survival skill, especially in scenarios where crossing a ravine, river, or large gap becomes essential. The bridge, as demonstrated, relies on a single rope, minimalistic knots, and a careful understanding of balance and weight distribution.

Essential Gear and Tools

Corporal Kelly emphasizes the importance of using the right equipment. He opts for a 3/8-inch diameter, 100-foot-long static line rope. This type of rope offers flexibility and forgiveness, crucial for manipulation during the setup process. Additionally, he employs rock climbing carabiners, ensuring the equipment's strength and reliability in potentially life-saving situations.

Mastering the Knots

A significant portion of the video is dedicated to demonstrating the necessary knots. The tutorial includes the **Bowline Knot** for securing the rope around a tree and creating a stable anchor point. Corporal Kelly then introduces the Alpine Butterfly Loop, a versatile midline loop that acts as the main attachment point for the bridge. By explaining and demonstrating these knots, viewers gain insight into their practical applications beyond this specific bridge setup.

Techniques for Crossing the Bridge

Corporal Kelly illustrates two methods for traversing the bridge: above the rope and underneath the rope. The former involves balancing with one leg hanging down and the other bent back, ensuring stability and control. The latter, while trickier and potentially wetter, involves a hand-over-hand crawl, similar to a cat's movement. Each method has its challenges, making it crucial for individuals to practice both and understand the nuances of each approach.

Safety and Physical Fitness

One of the key takeaways from Corporal Kelly's video is the emphasis on physical fitness. He stresses the importance of being in good shape, highlighting that survival skills are most effective when individuals are physically capable. Regular exercise, endurance training, and overall fitness contribute significantly to one's ability to handle challenging situations effectively.


Corporal Shawn Kelly's tutorial on the One Rope Commando Bridge serves as a valuable resource for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. By mastering essential knots, understanding balance techniques, and emphasizing physical fitness, individuals can enhance their preparedness for unexpected situations. As with any survival skill, consistent practice and a deep understanding of the techniques are key to success. So, get out there, practice these skills, and remember, being prepared can make all the difference in the world. Stay safe and adventure on!
