Beating Boredom: The Survivalist’s Deck of Cards and Toy Box

It's wise to have something
to do with your time

In the vast and often solitary world of outdoor survival, boredom can pose an unexpected yet significant threat. When boredom sets in, the mind can wander, leading to poor decisions and a decline in morale. In such situations, a simple deck of cards can become your best friend, offering more than just a way to pass the time.

  • Mental Lifeline: A deck of cards is a versatile tool that engages your mind. Whether you're alone or with companions, card games stimulate strategic thinking, enhance memory, and improve concentration. Engaging in games like solitaire or poker not only entertains but also keeps your mind sharp, helping you stay focused on your immediate challenges.
  • Measure of Time: Surprisingly, a deck of cards can be a reliable timekeeper. By setting a goal, like completing ten games of solitaire, you create a sense of structure in your day. If each game takes about three minutes (check your own rate of play to be sure), accomplishing this task gives you a rough estimate of 30 minutes passing. This way, you can break down the day into manageable segments, making time feel less daunting.
  • Social Connection: If you're not alone, card games can strengthen social bonds among group members. Sharing a game not only combats isolation but also fosters camaraderie. It provides an opportunity to relax, share stories, and find moments of joy, essential for maintaining morale in challenging situations.
  • Problem-Solving Training: Card games often involve complex rules and strategies. Engaging with these games sharpens your problem-solving skills, which are invaluable in survival scenarios. The ability to think critically and make decisions under pressure could mean the difference between success and failure.
  • Distraction from Stress: In times of stress, whether due to the elements or the situation, card games offer a healthy distraction. They allow your mind to focus on something other than immediate challenges, providing a mental break and reducing anxiety.

Also, keep this in mind:  if you have young ones in your group, you will need to find a way to occupy them so they don't wander off.  Having a toy box on hand is critical if there are little ones in your party.  Keeping small ones occupied can mean the difference between needing rescued and needing to mount a rescue.  Here's a list of items that can be put in a small Altoids tin to have a quick toy box available:

  • Aluminum foil
  • Pipe cleaners
  • candy
  • Paper clips
  • Stickers
  • String
  • Clippers
  • Small glow stick
  • Trail tape (small)
  • Coloring paper

A deck of cards and a small toy box might seem inconsequential, but its impact on your mental well-being during survival situations is profound. It not only fights off boredom but also offers structure, social connection, and valuable mental exercises. So, before you embark on your next outdoor adventure, make sure a deck of cards finds its way into your survival kit. It could be the key to maintaining not just your sanity, but also your survival instincts.
