12 Essential Prepper Tips for Ultimate Readiness

Twenty-Five Twelve Essential Prepper Tips for Ultimate Readiness

Note: This blog article is based on the content of the video "Prepper School Vol. 38 - 25 Prepper Quick Tips" from the SensiblePrepper YouTube Channel. We highly recommend watching the video for in-depth explanations and visual demonstrations.

Being prepared for any situation is not just a choice—it's a necessity. SensiblePrepper, a trusted source in the prepping community, has shared 25 valuable prepper quick tips in their latest video.  We reviewed the video and we pulled out 12 that are the most important and useful.  These 12 tips encompass a wide array of essential topics, ensuring you are equipped with the knowledge and tools to face any emergency confidently. 

1.  Bug Out Bag Essentials:

   Having a well-equipped bug-out bag can be a game-changer during emergencies. Include essential items like water, food, first aid supplies, and a multi-tool.

   Prepper Commentary: Your bug-out bag should be tailored to your specific needs and the region you live in. Think about climate, terrain, and potential risks when packing your bag.

2.  Fanny Packs:

   Fanny packs have made a comeback as convenient EDC (Everyday Carry) solutions. They provide quick access to essential items like first aid supplies, flashlights, and even self-defense tools.

   Prepper Commentary: Fanny packs are not just a fashion statement—they are incredibly practical. They allow you to carry necessities without the hassle of a larger backpack.

3.  Travel-Size Essentials:

   Stock up on travel-size toiletries like shampoo, soap, and mouthwash. These compact items can fit easily in your bug-out bag or emergency kit.

   Prepper Commentary: Travel-size items save space and weight, making them ideal for emergency kits. They are readily available in stores and online.

4.  Local Maps:

   Paper maps are invaluable in situations where GPS might fail. Keep local maps in your car and emergency kits.

   Prepper Commentary: In the age of technology, we often rely on GPS. However, having a paper map can be a lifesaver, especially in areas with poor signal or during power outages.

5.  Blackout Box:

   Create a blackout box with essentials like flashlights, candles, matches, and a rain jacket. It ensures you're prepared for power outages.

   Prepper Commentary: Power outages can be disorienting and frightening. Having a blackout box in strategic locations at home provides instant access to crucial items.

6.  Stash Cash:

   Hide cash in creative places like phone cases or belts. Cash is essential, especially when electronic transactions are unavailable.

   Prepper Commentary: Financial systems can be disrupted during emergencies. Having cash reserves allows you to make necessary purchases without relying on electronic payments.

7.  Fire Test:

   Learn to conduct a fire test to assess the safety of doors during a fire. Use the back of your hand to feel for heat before opening a door.

   Prepper Commentary: Fire safety is paramount. Knowing how to check for fire without endangering yourself can save lives during critical moments.

8.  Offsite Storage:

   Consider offsite storage for emergency supplies. Storage lockers, especially in secure facilities, provide additional protection for your prepping items.

   Prepper Commentary: Offsite storage ensures your supplies remain safe, even if your primary residence is compromised. Research secure facilities in your area.

9.  Bunkering In:

   Bunkering in should be the primary strategy during most SHTF (St Hits The Fan) scenarios. Identify potential threats and have plans in place to stay put.

   Prepper Commentary: Staying home and fortifying your position should be your default plan. Leaving only when absolutely necessary minimizes exposure to dangers.

10.  Utility Shutdown:

    Know how to shut off utilities like gas, water, and electricity in your home. This knowledge can prevent accidents and hazards during emergencies.

    Prepper Commentary: Understanding your home's utility systems empowers you to take control in case of leaks, malfunctions, or natural disasters.

11.  Routine Maintenance:

    Regularly check your prepping supplies, tools, and even your home for maintenance needs. A well-maintained arsenal ensures functionality when you need it.

    Prepper Commentary: Prevention is key. Routine maintenance guarantees that your supplies and equipment are in working condition, preventing last-minute failures.

12.  Label Your Containers:

    Labeling your storage containers helps you quickly identify contents. Use a label maker or markers to keep your prepping supplies organized.

    Prepper Commentary: Clear labels save time and reduce confusion, especially in high-stress situations. Knowing what's inside each container streamlines your access to necessary items.

Being prepared is not about fear; it's about being proactive and responsible. The SensiblePrepper's 25 prepper quick tips serve as a comprehensive guide to enhance your readiness. Remember, knowledge is your best tool during any crisis. Stay informed, stay prepared, and empower yourself to face uncertainties with confidence.

For more detailed explanations and visual demonstrations, be sure to check out the original video Prepper School Vol. 38 - 25 Prepper Quick Tips
