Surviving and Thriving: A Guide to Bushcraft in the Great Plains

Welcome to "Prepper on the Plains," your go-to source for mastering the art of bushcraft, camping, and survival in the beautiful and challenging landscapes of the Great Plains. In this inaugural article, we'll start with the unique aspects of bushcraft and wilderness survival specific to this vast region of the United States.

Understanding the Great Plains

The Great Plains encompass a broad expanse of flat and semi-arid land that stretches from Canada down to Mexico, covering parts of 10 U.S. states. It's a region known for its wide-open spaces, dramatic weather shifts, and diverse ecosystems. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a seasoned camper, or a budding prepper, understanding the Plains is crucial to thrive in its unique environment.

Bushcraft Basics

Bushcraft is all about developing the skills and knowledge needed to live and thrive in the wilderness with minimal modern resources. In the Great Plains, where the terrain can be unforgiving, mastering these skills can be a game-changer. Here are some essential bushcraft basics to get you started:

  1. Shelter Building: Learn to construct efficient shelters using natural materials found in the Plains, such as prairie grasses, branches, and rocks. The Plains' extreme temperatures, from scorching summers to frigid winters, make shelter a top priority.
  2. Fire Starting: Discover the secrets of starting a fire using traditional methods like friction-based fire-starting techniques and natural fire tinder from the Plains.
  3. Water Sourcing and Purification: The Plains can be arid, so knowing where to find water sources and how to purify them is vital. Creeks, rivers, and even natural depressions in the land can be lifesavers.
  4. Wild Edible Plants: Familiarize yourself with the edible plants that grow in the Great Plains, like cattails, yucca, and prairie turnips. Proper identification is crucial.
  5. Navigation: The Plains can be vast and disorienting. Learn to read the land, use natural markers, and navigate using basic tools like a compass or even the stars.
  6. Survival and Safety Equipment: We'll also cover essential survival tools and safety gear, such as first aid kits, fire-starting kits, and emergency communication devices.
  7. Fishing, boating, and watersports:  There's plenty of waterways in the Great Plains and lots of secret information to share and learn. 

Conservation in the Great Plains

Appreciating the beauty of the Plains also means protecting it for future generations. We'll explore how to minimize your impact on the environment and promote conservation efforts in this unique ecosystem.

Minimizing your impact is not just about conservation--although that's reason enough to do it.  If you're truly practicing Leave No Trace, then you are less likely to be found by someone hostile towards you or your family.  Conservation is great for the world and for us... but it's also great for prepping and survival.

Survival Stories and Tips

Throughout our journey together, we'll share survival stories from the Great Plains and provide practical tips to keep you safe and prepared in the face of unexpected challenges.


As we embark on this adventure together, "Prepper on the Plains" is committed to equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to not only survive but thrive in the Great Plains. From mastering bushcraft basics to embracing the beauty of conservation, we'll be your trusted resource for all things related to outdoor exploration and survival in this extraordinary region. Stay tuned for more in-depth guides, stories, and tips to help you become a true Great Plains bushcraft expert. Happy prepping!
