The Color of Prepping

"The Color of Prepping" is a method of organizing and categorizing items for preparedness based on their utility. This method simplifies planning, enhances effectiveness, and facilitates quick decision-making, especially in stressful situations. The concept was popularized by TheUrbanPrepper, a YouTube channel known for its practical prepping ideas.

Why Use "The Color of Prepping"?

"The Color of Prepping" is a practical approach to preparedness that allows you to easily group and organize essential items. By assigning a specific color to each category, you can quickly identify and locate what you need in your prepping supplies. This method not only streamlines your preparations but also ensures that you have a comprehensive and well-rounded plan for any situation.

Here are the key categories and their corresponding colors in "The Color of Prepping" -- the first 11 are the original list, and I have added #12.

  1. Red - First Aid: This category includes medical supplies, first aid kits, and essential items for addressing injuries and medical emergencies.
  2. Orange - Fire: Fire-related items such as lighters, matches, fire starters, and fuel sources fall under this category.
  3. Blue - Water: All items related to water storage, purification, and transportation are color-coded blue. This includes water filters, water bottles, and water treatment tablets.
  4. Green - Food: Food supplies, both non-perishable and long-term storage options, belong to the green category. This includes canned goods, freeze-dried meals, and food preservation tools.
  5. Gray - Cooking: Cooking utensils, stoves, and equipment for preparing meals in emergency situations are categorized as gray.
  6. Brown - Shelter: Items for creating shelter and protection from the elements, such as tents, tarps, and sleeping bags, are assigned the color brown.
  7. Yellow - Communication + Power: Yellow represents communication devices, power sources like batteries or solar chargers, and tools for staying informed during emergencies.
  8. Black - Tools and Tactical Items: Tools, knives, multi-tools, and tactical gear are classified under the black category.
  9. Purple - Clothing: Clothing for various weather conditions and survival situations is identified with the color purple.
  10. White - Hygiene: Personal hygiene products, toiletries, and sanitation supplies are coded white.
  11. Pink - Personal: This category includes personal items such as identification, documents, and sentimental belongings.
  12. Cyan - Car Parts: Car parts and maintenance supplies for your vehicle are labeled with the color cyan.


"The Color of Prepping" is a practical and efficient method for organizing your preparedness supplies. By categorizing items by color, you can create a streamlined and accessible prepping system that ensures you are ready for any situation. For more detailed insights into this method, we recommend watching TheUrbanPrepper's video on color-coordinated organization for home preps here.

Start applying "The Color of Prepping" to your preparedness efforts today and experience the benefits of a well-organized and comprehensive approach to prepping.
