The 10 C's + 3

The 10 C's + 3

The 10 C's + 3 concept builds upon the original 10 C's of survival by Dave Canterbury. It extends the list to include practical items for enhanced preparedness.

The original 10 C's by Dave Canterbury are numbered 1-10, I have added a number "0" (zero) and then 11 and 12.  The "10 C's + 3" concept expands the traditional survival kit to include communication and comfort elements, which can be essential for maintaining morale and increasing your chances of being rescued.

  1. Carrier: Something to store and carry all this stuff in. It could be a pack, a duffel, or distributed throughout your pockets. This is "number zero" because it's not required for survival, but it is practical.
  2. Cutting Tool: Knives and saws for processing wood and creating shelter.
  3. Combustion: Ignition and tinder for starting and sustaining a fire.
  4. Cover: Shelter and clothing to maintain core body temperature.
  5. Container: A vessel for holding and boiling water to make it safe to drink.
  6. Cordage: Essential for tying things down and building structures.
  7. Cargo Tape: Quick repairs for various items, including emergency wound closures.
  8. Compass: A basic compass for navigation.
  9. Candling Device: Light sources for when it's dark.
  10. Canvas Needle: For repairs, including key wounds and clothing.
  11. Cotton Bandana: A versatile tool with multiple applications.
  12. Communication: While not required for survival, it can be helpful for getting help.
  13. Comfort: Items like extra clothing, easy meals, and personal items to boost morale.


Here's some good links about the 10 Cs of survival.  Check them out!

Dave Canterbury

